一、 教育背景
2000.09-2004.07, 山西大学, 生物技术, 学士
2004.09-2007.07, 山西大学, 微生物学, 硕士
2013.09-2017.07, 西北农林科技大学, 水土保持与荒漠化防治专业, 博士
二、 主要工作经历
2011.03-2019.02, 山西省水利厅, 水土保持生态环境建设中心,工程师
2019.03-至今, 山西财经大学, 资源环境学院, 副教授
1.山西省自然科学基础研究面上项目, 盐碱土壤微生物群落对加气滴灌响应及其驱动机制研究(20210302123482),2022-01 至 2024-12, 主持.
2.山西省水利科学技术研究与推广项目,覆膜加气滴灌改良盐碱土壤技术研究与集成示范(TZ2019021),2019-01 至 2021-12,主持.
3.山西省哲学社会科学规划项目,新时期农民参与乡村生态治理机制研究(2019B196),2019-08 至 2021-12, 主持.
4.山西省自然科学基础研究青年科学研究项目, 五台山典型山地草甸植被碳氮磷化学计量特征及其与物种多样性的关系(202103021223307), 2022-01 至 2024-12,参与.
1. Wang, J., Niu, W., Zhang, M., & Li, Y. Effect of alternate partial root-zone drip irrigation on soil bacterial communities and tomato yield[J]. Applied Soil Ecology, 2017, 119, 250-259.
2. Wang, J., Niu, W., Li, Y., & Lv, W. Subsurface drip irrigation enhances soil nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism in tomato root zones and promotes tomato growth[J]. 2018, Applied Soil Ecology, 124, 240-251.
3. Wang, J., Niu, W., Guo, L., Liu, L., Li, Y., & Dyck, M. Drip irrigation with film mulch improves soil alkaline phosphatase and phosphorus uptake[J]. Agricultural Water Management, 2018, 201, 258-267.
4. Wang, J., Niu, W., Dyck, M., Zhang, M., & Li, Y. Drip irrigation with film covering improves soil enzymes and muskmelon growth in the greenhouse[J]. Soil Research, 2017, 56(1), 59-70.
5.王京伟, 牛文全, 张明智, 李元. 覆膜方式毛管密度和灌水下限对温室甜瓜生长的影响. 农业工程学报[J].2016, 32(15), 117-125.
6.王京伟, 牛文全, 许健, 李元. 覆膜滴灌对日光温室甜瓜土壤环境及产量的影响.农业工程学报[J]. 2016, 32(6), 232-241.
7.王京伟, 牛文全, 梁博惠, 郭丽丽, 李元. 适宜的毛管埋深提高温室番茄品质及产量. 农业工程学报[J].2017, 33(20),90-97.
8. Wang, J., He, Q., Niu, W., & Han, J.Alternate drip irrigation regulates the soil fungal community structure and metabolic function based on root-fungus interactions[J].Land Degradation & Development, 2023, 34(4), 1133–1144.
9. Wang, J., Yao, Z., Han, J., Niu, W., & Li, Y. Different pipe burial depths associated with subsurface drip irrigation significantly affected soil gas emissions[J]. Annals of Applied Biology, 2022, 180(2), 294–305.
10. Wang, J., Du, Y., Niu, W., Han, J., Li, Y., & Yang, P. Drip irrigation mode affects tomato yield by regulating root–soil–microbe interactions[J]. Agricultural Water Management, 2022, 260, 107188.
11. Wang, J., Li, Y., & Niu, W. Effect of alternating drip irrigation on soil gas emissions, microbial community composition, and root–soil interactions[J]. Agricultural Water Management, 2021, 256, 107123.
12. Wang, J., Guo, S., Zhang, S., Zhang, C.,Niu, W., Song, X., & Han, J. Response of the tomato rhizosphere bacterial community to water-oxygen coupling under micronanobubble oxygenated drip irrigation in mildly saline soil[J]. Land Degradation & Development, 2023, 1-14.
13. Wang, J., Niu, W., Song, X., & Han, J. Response of tomato root endophytic bacterial communities to water-oxygen coupling under micro/nanoaerated drip irrigation in slightly saline soils[J]. Scientia Horticulturae, 2023, 321, 112281.
14. Wang, J., Niu, W., & Li, Y. Effects of drip irrigation with plastic on photosynthetic characteristics and biomass distribution of muskmelon[J]. Agriculture, 2020, 10(3), 84.
15. Wang, J., Niu, W., & Li, Y. Nitrogen and phosphorus absorption and yield of tomato increased by regulating the bacterial community under greenhouse conditions via the alternate drip irrigation method[J]. Agronomy, 2020, 10(3), 315.
16. Wang, J., Li, Y., & Niu, W. Deficit alternate drip irrigation increased root-soil-plant interaction, tomato yield, and quality[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(3), 781.
17. Wang, J., Li, Y., & Niu, W. Responses of bacterial community, root-soil interaction and tomato yield to different practices in subsurface drip irrigation[J]. Sustainability, 2020,12(6), 2338.
18.王京伟, 李元, 牛文全. 地下滴灌对番茄根际微区氮循环微生物量及土壤N2O排放的调控机制[J].环境科学研究, 2021, 34(6), 1425-1433.
19.王京伟, 何秋琴, 宋晓伟, 牛文全. 地下滴灌土壤水分分布对设施种植农田甲烷通量的影响[J].环境科学研究, 2023, 36(7), 1368-1378.
20.王京伟, 王磊元, 李 元, 牛文全. 覆膜滴灌对温室番茄土壤理化性状及其生物学特性的影响[J].干旱区研究, 2020, 37(4), 870-880.
21. 何秋琴, 王京伟, 毕旭, 宋晓伟. 2005—2020年山西省水源涵养功能时空格局及其演变驱动力分析[J]. 环境科学研究, 2024, 37(4): 862-873.
22. Wang, J., Cui, Y., Wu, K., Wu, S., Wu, K., Li, Y., & Niu, W. Micro/nanobubble-aerated drip irrigation affects saline soil microenvironments and tomato growth by altering bacterial communities, Soil & Tillage Research, 2024, 239: 106034.
王京伟.覆膜滴灌下设施土壤与作物生长调控[M]. 北京:中国农业出版社,2023.
2019,中共山西省委人才工作领导小组, 2018年度山西省“三晋英才”支持计划青年优秀人才,王京伟 (1/1);
2018,山西省科学技术厅、山西省科学技术协会,第十九届山西省优秀学术论文二等奖,王京伟 (1/1);
2017, 中共陕西省委高等教育工作委员会、陕西省教育厅、陕西省学位委员会,陕西省第三届研究生创新成果展一等奖,王京伟 (2/6).
Agricultural Water Management(1区), European Journal of Agronomy(1区), Chemical Engineering Journal(1区), European Journal of Agronomy(1区), Environmental and Sustainability Indicators(JCR 1区), Journal of Cleaner Production(1区), Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition(2区), Journal of Soils and Sediments(JCR 1区), Frontiers in Microbiology(2区), Applied Soil Ecology(2区), BMC Microbiology(JCR 2区), Environmental Pollution(2区), Journal of Water Process Engineering(JCR 1区), Land Degradation & Development(JCR 1区), Plant Physiology and Biochemistry(JCR 1区), Environmental Technology & Innovation(JCR 1区), SN Applied Sciences(JCR 1区), Scientific Reports(3区), Sustainability(3区), Agriculture(JCR 1区), Environmental and Sustainability Indicators(ESCI)等期刊审稿人。