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时间:2024-09-04 15:56:40  作者:  点击:




(一) 论文

1. Jing M, Cheng L, Ji C, et al. Detecting unknown dams from high- resolution remote sensing images: A deep learning and spatial analysis approach. International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, 104 (2021) 102576.

2. Jing M, Li N, Li SC, Ji C, Cheng L, et al. Large dam candidate region identification from multi- source remote sensing images via a random forest and spatial analysis approach. International Journal of Digital Earth, 16:2,4212-4228.

3. Mao J, Cheng L, Ji C, Jing M, et al., Verification of Dam Spatial Location in Open Datasets Based on Geographic Knowledge and Deep Learning, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 15, pp. 7277-7287.2022.3199249.

4. Liu L, Cheng L, Ji C, M. Jing, et al, Framework for Runway's True Heading Extraction in Remote Sensing Images Based on Deep Learning and Semantic Constraints, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 15, pp. 6659-6670, 2022.

5. Li SC, Ning Li, Min Jing, Chen Ji, Liang Cheng. (2023). Evaluating Deep-learning-based Out-of- Distribution Detection Methods for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification. Remote Sensing.

6.景旻, 任娜, 朱长青, 周子宸. 一种基于距离分区的BIM模型零水印算法[J]. 北京邮电大学学报, 2019, 42(5): 100-106.





一种使用深度学习和空间分析的广域未知大坝自动探测方法 (发明专利,已授权,二作)


基于数字水印技术的 MAX 格式数据版权保护软件 v1.0 (软件著作权,一作)

基于数字水印技术的 RVT 格式版权保护软件 v1.0 (软件著作权,一作)


1. 第二届江苏省高校测绘地理信息创新创业大赛中,作品“地理信息安全卫士”获创新创业计划组一等奖。

2. 第一届“航天天绘杯”高分应用解决方案大赛中,作品“高分数据安全分发全生命周期管理解决方案”获优秀创意奖。